Searching For The “Lost” Little Prince

Before I get started, I would like to point out the matrix of my inspiration: The Little Prince. Frankly, I was never into books until I picked up The Little Prince while babysitting. The book was very concise- yes, it had pictures on almost every page (that could have been one of the factors of being my favorite of all time) – and it pointed out the obvious that we, as grown ups, have been so oblivious about.


  I have been thinking a lot lately. Thinking about life, specifically about my outlook attitude, mentality, past, present, future, and friends. I cannot help but to be so conscious about what I am doing every second and how I am spending those precious seconds. Many times, I fail to remind myself that those precious seconds add up to minutes, which add up to hours, days, weeks, months, years, and so on until however long God has made use of me.

Last semester in college, I hit the bottom rock of my life. I was so miserable; I discussed with my family, advisor, and friends about changing my major, but I just couldn’t. Sure, it was mainly because of my pride. Not to condescend upon other majors, but many engineers believe that their studies are the most challenging and laudable subject to study in college. Spare me criticism, because I was not one of them. I believed that anyone can choose to study engineering, but that decision alone does not augment a person’s potential. I believe that the amount of effort, time, and dedication a person puts into her passion defines how ingenious she is. I just couldn’t change my major, because I KNEW I did not do my best. That I thought about changing my major and stressed those around me were abominable. How was I supposed to tell myself that I should change my major if I did not try my best? It just wasn’t fair for myself. I did not give myself a fair chance to attempt and actually tell myself and others if I was capable. The fact that I knew myself and did not do anything to change myself made me very despondent. I constantly thought and believed that nothing could change my attitude and nothing could ever make me smile.

During my winter break, I decided to catch up on reading; I knew that I had to reread The Little Prince to shape my attitude. I just had too many questions to answer for myself. It all began with, “What do I want?” Very broad, but I strongly believe that the answer to that question can take my wheel. I just want to be happy and find reasons to smile (Don’t worry, I am not a pessimist – I am the winner of The Most Talkative award back in middle school, and I used to get in trouble for SMILING/LAUGHING too much – That still remains a mystery to me). To be happy, I had to think like a child, but act like an adult. If the two antitheses can mingle together and coexist, I firmly believe that that will create the ultimate happiness I we so seek.

All grown-ups were once children… but only few of them remember it.” – The Little Prince

In time of solitude, I realized that I had known the solution all along. I just had to do my best. Heck, if I do my best and fail, what/whom can I blame? I’m not gonna blame myself for not being able to achieve something if I give it my best. As a matter of fact, I will be proud of myself for pushing myself to do my best. I am certain that that pride will push the ceiling and help me achieve anything I desire. You never know what life has to offer: “What makes the desert beautiful,’ said the little prince, ‘is that somewhere it hides a well…” – The Little Prince.


You only need to focus on what you must do. You know what you need to do. We all do. We are just so stubborn to tell ourselves the truth and trying to earn pity from others and, worst of all, ourselves. I believe that self-pity is the greatest hindrance to our development.

Never be discouraged; SERIOUSLY look at your mistakes as your lessons. Sure, sometimes the mistakes are so grand that you simply cannot call it a lesson, but time squandered, which you will never get back. However, be aware that that regret will do no good for you unless you have the will to transmute your regret to success.

Discover your passion; admit your mistakes; learn to move on. Don’t let the life take control over you, and take control over your life. Let yourself be tamed by caring people around you. Make sure to tame loving people, responsibility, and life. Just find ways to keep yourself happy all the time. In case you are unsure, here’s the definition for ya:

What does tamed mean? It’s something that’s been too often neglected. It means to create ties.” – The Little Prince

“Grown ups never understood anything by themselves. And it is rather tedious to have to explain things to them time and again” – The Little Prince. Let this not pertain to us. Let’s learn to pay attention to all details. Those minute details can be the missing pieces to our puzzle.

So who and where is your Little Prince?


PS: I HIGHLY recommend The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupery if you haven’t read it. For some odd reason, people tend to have read this book when they were young, but that is the perplexing beauty of it. The book is under children section at a bookstore. I believe adults will learn more than children will by reading this book. After all, children are masters of the knowledge. Also, I would greatly appreciate it if you could recommend me books via comment and your insights on life. As always, thank you!